Monday, 30 April 2012

Filming pictures

Most of my days lately have been filled with shooting films or TV commercials.
This is my Television Commercial shoot. It was a fun day. Everything went smoothly. We did have a problem with one of our actors, but he is a cat, so they can be very temperamental.

Shooting in Brett's Studio
The following pictures are from a documentary that is still untitled. This was a four day shoot, that involved really early starts or really late finishes. Most of us missed class that week to shoot this part of the film. People always ask me about equipment and how that works. Well the schools supplies us with the equipment. We have to be very VERY careful with the equipment. With the lights, camera, sound and monitor, the total cost of all the equipment is over $100,000. This is one of the perks about being in films school. You don't have to pay for the equipment!!
Taken by Ricky Glaser

Another Instagram taken by Ricky Glaser.

This Panasonic Varicam costs $61,999 and I get to use it!!!!!

Studio Shoot at School
This is a shoot for my "Sure Signs of Love" documentary. This was a fun day and the first time I actually have used gels for lighting!! 

My Shoot in Geelong

Sorry for not posting in a while. I have been shooting for the past three weeks on three different projects and now I am on a fourth one! What can I say, I am passionate about film making. For one of my documentaries, we shot in Geelong, in this really beautiful home! We also got to play with Puppies! 

Torquay and Bells Beach!

After shooting the crew an I went out for coffee and tea. They also took me to Bells Beach! This was the first time I saw the Tasman Sea! I was so excited! I haven't seen the Ocean for months!  It was too cold for me to go in, but it didn't stop the professional surfers.  

Me, Ruth on right side, Greg and Steph on the left.

This is my fancy tea! It was delightful.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Me in the Tub

So this is me in the tub because I am looking at the monitor that is running through the camera. My job was to make sure the lighting and the filming was going well. Oh the wonders of film making! Now you know how many people can actually fit in a bathroom for a shoot.

Sunday, 8 April 2012

My 23rd Birthday

I can't believe I am 23! It's so weird, I don't feel it. Not to mention I got carded yesterday at the liquor store buying wine. The drinking age here is 18. I look like I am younger than 18! Anyways, my birthday fell on Good Friday here which meant that not many places were open. Good Friday, if you didn't know is a Catholic Holiday, where you can only eat fish instead of other meat. It also has something to do with Jesus. If you are intrigued and want to more about Good Friday, google it.

I decided to go out and see Hunger Games at the theater and have dinner. It was fun!

My Birthday Cake and Cappuccino


This is Melbourne Central, It's a huge mall with a brick building inside.

This is the theater where we watched Hunger Games. Theaters here are different than back home! You get to sit in a lounge chair and your seat is allocated for you!  That was kind of weird but convenient if you get there early and want to walk around instead of holding your seat before the movie starts.


This place is really neat. I love it because there are so many vegetarian/vegan places to eat at. It is "hipster"-ish but whatever. Alex and I walked around the street and found an art sale inside an old storage unit! There is also a lot of graffiti on the streets. Melbourne is known for its graffiti art. I really enjoyed walking around here and there was also a bar that I went to once it got dark and they had Xbox 360's, Wii's and PS3's that you could play for free. What could be better than having cider and playing Mario Cart????

There was a wedding going on, outside Parliament Station

This is Parliament Station, I am assuming this is what we would call a courthouse. I found out that all the judges wear robes and wigs, like they do in Britain. Oh, the weird traditions that we follow.

I thought this was an interesting poster.

This is what the speed signs look like.

The Graffiti Art

This is the inside of Young Green Foods! It's an awesome Raw vegetarian restaurant where we got Chocolate!